Tooth development or odontogenesis is the complex process by which teeth form from embryonic cells, grow, and erupt into the mouth. For human teeth to have a healthy oral environment, all parts of the tooth must develop during appropriate stages of fetal development. Primary (baby) teeth start to form between the sixth and eighth week of prenatal development, and permanent teeth begin to form in the twentieth week. If teeth do not start to develop at or near these times, they will not develop at all, resulting in hypodontia or anodontia. A significant amount of research has focused on...
Tooth development or odontogenesis is the complex process by which teeth form from embryonic cells, grow, and erupt into the mouth. For human teeth to...
Das Studium der Kopfform des Menschen war schon immer von beträchtlichem Interesse für Anthropologen, Anatomen und andere Studenten des menschlichen Wachstums. In der Tat ist das breite Spektrum der Studenten des menschlichen Wachstums. Das breite Spektrum der Studenten, die sich mit der Lösung des komplexen Phänomens "WACHSTUM" befassen, wurde bereits 1943 von Krogman mit den folgenden goldenen Worten treffend beschrieben: "Wachstum wurde von einem Anatomen erdacht. Das Wachstum wurde von einem Anatomen erdacht, von einem Biologen geboren, von einem Arzt entbunden, auf der Türschwelle...
Das Studium der Kopfform des Menschen war schon immer von beträchtlichem Interesse für Anthropologen, Anatomen und andere Studenten des menschlichen...
The study of head form in man has always been of the study of head form in man has always been of considerable interest to anthropologist, anatomists, & other considerable interest to anthropologist, anatomists, & other students of human growth. In fact, the wide array of students of human growth. In fact, the wide array of students involved in solving the complex phenomenon of "GROWTH" have been aptly described by Krogman as early as 1943 in have been aptly described by Krogman as early as 1943 in these golden words:-these golden words:- "" Growth was conceived by an anatomist. Growth was...
The study of head form in man has always been of the study of head form in man has always been of considerable interest to anthropologist, anatomists,...
Facial development is extremely complex involving interactions between different primordia and the involvement of many molecular pathways. This complexity has made great diversity possible, while it also prevented us from gaining a comprehensive understanding of facial diversity using traditional approaches. Interdisciplinary research is needed to understand how cis-regulatory elements, gene expression, cellular behaviors, and physical forces are integrated to shape the face. The robustness of the facial developmental process also needs to be maintained during evolution, Significant work is...
Facial development is extremely complex involving interactions between different primordia and the involvement of many molecular pathways. This comple...
Le développement facial est extrêmement complexe et implique des interactions entre les différents primordia ainsi que l'implication de nombreuses voies moléculaires. Cette complexité a rendu possible une grande diversité, mais elle nous a également empêchés d'acquérir une compréhension globale de la diversité faciale à l'aide d'approches traditionnelles. Une recherche interdisciplinaire est nécessaire pour comprendre comment les éléments cis-régulateurs, l'expression des gènes, les comportements cellulaires et les forces physiques sont intégrés pour façonner le visage....
Le développement facial est extrêmement complexe et implique des interactions entre les différents primordia ainsi que l'implication de nombreuses ...