In diesem Buch wird die Rolle der Inhaltsstoffe von Schwarzkümmel, insbesondere Eisen, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6 und Vitamin B3, im Tryptophan-Stoffwechsel erörtert, und es werden Zusammenhänge zwischen der Störung dieser Elemente und der Ätiologie verschiedener pathologischer und physiologischer Zustände aufgezeigt und neue Definitionen für Physiologie, Pathologie, Medizin und Pharmakologie auf der Grundlage des Tryptophan-Stoffwechsels eingeführt.Außerdem bietet dieses Buch eine neue praktische Definition für die wichtigsten medizinischen Wissenschaften. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht...
In diesem Buch wird die Rolle der Inhaltsstoffe von Schwarzkümmel, insbesondere Eisen, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6 und Vitamin B3, im Tryptophan-Stoffwech...
Elhaj, Halima Abdelgader, Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad, Mosab
Bien que T.evansi puisse infecter la plupart des animaux domestiques, il s'agit principalement d'un parasite des chameaux et des chevaux. Cependant, l'infection d'un homme par T.evansi en Inde a été le premier rapport de ce type. Pour tenter d'expliquer cet événement inhabituel, Joshi et al. (2005) ont suggéré que les trypanosomes animaux sont sensibles aux composants du plasma humain et qu'ils meurent lorsqu'ils sont introduits dans le flux sanguin de l'homme. Dans ce cas d'infection par T.evansi chez un homme, le trypanosome a donc manifestement développé la capacité de résister...
Bien que T.evansi puisse infecter la plupart des animaux domestiques, il s'agit principalement d'un parasite des chameaux et des chevaux. Cependant, l...
Abd Almajed ALtaher, Tibyan, Mohammed Mahjaf, Ghanem, Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad, Mosab
Reactive oxygen species, also known as oxygen and oxygen-derived oxidants, cause cellular damage at a higher rate under the term "oxidative stress" (ROS). Oxidative stress is typically present as a background factor in all live aerobic cells. This oxidative process can be accelerated and lead to cell damage by several stress-related situations, including chronic disease states, aging, toxin exposure, physical injury, and exposure to a variety of foods. One of the main contributing factors to infertility is thought to be the malefactor. A new and significant reason, oxidative stress, has been...
Reactive oxygen species, also known as oxygen and oxygen-derived oxidants, cause cellular damage at a higher rate under the term "oxidative stress" (R...
Abd Almajed ALtaher, Tibyan, Mohammed Mahjaf, Ghanem, Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad, Mosab
Androgens are important steroid hormones that control how the male phenotype is expressed, including the establishment and maintenance of spermatogenesis as well as the external development of secondary sex traits. The development of male reproductive organs such as the epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, prostate, and penis is greatly influenced by androgens. Additionally, males require androgens during puberty, masculine sexuality, and reproduction. Spermatogenesis requires a lot of intratesticular testosterone, which is released by the Leydig cells. The majority of the...
Androgens are important steroid hormones that control how the male phenotype is expressed, including the establishment and maintenance of spermatogene...