Das Buch ist eine Literaturübersicht, die sich mit einer sehr häufigen Debatte in der Kieferorthopädie befasst, nämlich mit der Frage, ob bei der Retraktion von Frontzähnen eine En-Masse-Retraktion oder eine zweistufige Retraktion zu wählen ist. Es versucht, die Vorstellungen der Leser darüber zu klären, welche Mechanik bei der Retraktion anzuwenden ist und in welchen Situationen welche Methode für die Retraktion von Frontzähnen gewählt werden muss.
Das Buch ist eine Literaturübersicht, die sich mit einer sehr häufigen Debatte in der Kieferorthopädie befasst, nämlich mit der Frage, ob bei der ...
In daily life, we encounter friction. Orthodontics is also affected by friction. Friction is undesirable in many therapeutic circumstances. Therefore, reducing friction is necessary to reduce treatment duration and decrease any side effects. The vast array of sliding system appliance combinations makes it extremely difficult to create a force system that is ideal for tooth movement. Before making judgements, every clinician must weigh the benefits and drawbacks of friction mechanics and be aware of the underlying biomechanics.
In daily life, we encounter friction. Orthodontics is also affected by friction. Friction is undesirable in many therapeutic circumstances. Therefore,...
Today's culture has an increased awareness and concern regarding facial aesthetics. Orthodontic patients, their parents, and practitioners are concerned with the effect of treatment on facial form and facial harmony. Whatever the treatment, the bottom line is optimum aesthetics and stability of results of treatment outcome. The success of camou age treatment approach depends on the severity of underlying sagittal discrepancy. Therefore, the clinician should assess the case carefully for camou age approach for the underlying skeletal discrepancy to plan treatment mechanics and strike a balance...
Today's culture has an increased awareness and concern regarding facial aesthetics. Orthodontic patients, their parents, and practitioners are concern...
The Aligner is a revolutionary technology for orthodontic tooth movement, offering a therapeutic and aesthetically pleasing solution. Despite its limitations in case selection, cost, and computer treatment planning, it offers significant benefits for patients. The device's diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities are continually improved with the addition of 3D compartments. The success of Aligner depends on ongoing research and development to enhance its control over tooth movement.
The Aligner is a revolutionary technology for orthodontic tooth movement, offering a therapeutic and aesthetically pleasing solution. Despite its limi...