Among the world s poorest countries, Bangladesh is home to one of the richest treasures-prized Black Bengal goats. Among the Asiatic countries, Bangladesh, a tropical agro-based developing country, possesses the third largest repository of goats, with a population of more than 34 million heads, according to the FAO. This figure represents more than 57% of total livestock in Bangladesh. More than 90% of the goats of the country are of the Black Bengal breed. More than 98% of goats are owned by the small, marginal and landless farmers in the villages. One of the infectious diseases, which are a...
Among the world s poorest countries, Bangladesh is home to one of the richest treasures-prized Black Bengal goats. Among the Asiatic countries, Bangla...
Brucellosis is caused by members of genus Brucella. These are small, non-motile, aerobic, facultative intracellular, Gram-negative coccobacilli. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the world Health Organization (WHO) and the world organization of animal Health (OIE), brucellosis is considered the most widespread zoonosis worldwide. Almost all domestic species can be affected with brucellosis and it is one of the most serious diseases of livestock. In the agro-based economy of Bangladesh livestock contribute 2.73% of the total GDP and 75% of the rural people are directly...
Brucellosis is caused by members of genus Brucella. These are small, non-motile, aerobic, facultative intracellular, Gram-negative coccobacilli. Accor...