Department of Electronics and Communication, SIRT, Bhopal organized an Online National Conference on Recent trends in IOT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and its Applications under IETE student Chapter on 7 May 2021.This conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of IOT, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent...
Department of Electronics and Communication, SIRT, Bhopal organized an Online National Conference on Recent trends in IOT, Machine Learning, Artificia...
For the past several centuries, the evolution of dentistry has largely focused on the removal of diseased dental tissues, at ever-increasing bur rotation speeds, in the preparation of a cavity whose shape was dictated by the limitations of the current restorative material. Unfortunately, this indiscriminate removal of both decayed & healthy tooth structures was a corollary development. Hence, Recognition, control and elimination of the disease are the prime essentials in modern conservative, Minimal intervention dentistry. In the absence of disease, the concept of 'extension for prevention'...
For the past several centuries, the evolution of dentistry has largely focused on the removal of diseased dental tissues, at ever-increasing bur rotat...
Keramik wird in der Zahnmedizin aufgrund ihrer doppelten Funktion - Festigkeit und Ästhetik - häufig verwendet. Die Beliebtheit von Keramik ist auf ihre Biokompatibilität, Ästhetik, Haltbarkeit und einfachere Anpassung zurückzuführen. Das Besondere an keramischen Zähnen ist ihre Fähigkeit, den natürlichen Zahn in Farbe und Transluzenz zu imitieren, sowie ihre Festigkeit. Keramik verfügt über eine ausgezeichnete intraorale Stabilität und Verschleißfestigkeit, was ihre Langlebigkeit noch erhöht.
Keramik wird in der Zahnmedizin aufgrund ihrer doppelten Funktion - Festigkeit und Ästhetik - häufig verwendet. Die Beliebtheit von Keramik ist auf ...