L'impact du changement climatique sur l'A(c)mergence des A(c)pidemies, des infections et des maladies nontransmissibles est dA(c)montrA(c) en Afrique sub-Saharienne. Il y a aussi l'intA(c)raction entre les facteurs gA(c)nA(c)tiques et l'environement physique ou socio-politique dans l'agravation des maladies. Le phA(c)nomA]ne El Nino-La Nina est une expression de la variabilitA(c) climatique liA(c)e au rechauffement planA(c)taire.
L'impact du changement climatique sur l'A(c)mergence des A(c)pidemies, des infections et des maladies nontransmissibles est dA(c)montrA(c) en Afrique ...
KISOKA LUSUNSI, Christian, Kintoki Mbala, Fabien, Longo-Mbenza, Benjamin
Stroke is a global scourge and one of the major public health threats. This book is a descriptive and analytical clinical case series study was conducted during the pre-covid-19 period from January to December 2019 at the University Clinics of Kinshasa Internal Medicine Intensive Care Unit. This study aims to investigate the lethality of stroke and the factors associated with it at the University Clinics of Kinshasa .
Stroke is a global scourge and one of the major public health threats. This book is a descriptive and analytical clinical case series study was conduc...