Mit der ständigen Ausweitung des Fachgebiets der Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie werden zunehmend umfangreichere chirurgische Eingriffe an medizinisch beeinträchtigten Patienten durchgeführt. Die multimodale Optimierung der chirurgischen Versorgung verbessert die physischen und psychischen Funktionen der Patienten erheblich und verringert die Morbidität und Mortalität nach einem chirurgischen Eingriff. Durch die multidisziplinäre Versorgung wird die Zuteilung von Ressourcen rationalisiert, so dass eine zeitnahe Versorgung möglich ist und günstige Ergebnisse erzielt werden können.
Mit der ständigen Ausweitung des Fachgebiets der Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie werden zunehmend umfangreichere chirurgische Eingriffe an mediz...
Post-traumatic deformities are among the most formidable challenges faced by surgeons apart from their psychological impact on the patients. These complications continue to appear despite the improvements in the diagnosis and management of complex craniofacial trauma. Reconstruction within the head and neck is challenging as defects can be anatomically complex and may already be compromised by scarring, inflammation, and infection. Tissue grafts and vascularized flaps (either pedicled or free) are the current gold standard for the repair of such defects, but the disadvantages are their...
Post-traumatic deformities are among the most formidable challenges faced by surgeons apart from their psychological impact on the patients. These com...
With the ever-expanding scope of the Oral and Maxillofacial speciality, more surgically extensive procedures increasingly are being performed on medically compromised patients. Multimodal optimization of surgical care significantly improves patient's physical and psychological function with reduced patient morbidity and mortality after surgical procedure. Care delivered by multidisciplinary approach streamlines the allocation of resources to provide prompt care to attain favourable outcomes.
With the ever-expanding scope of the Oral and Maxillofacial speciality, more surgically extensive procedures increasingly are being performed on medic...
Avec l'élargissement constant du champ d'action de la spécialité bucco-maxillo-faciale, des interventions chirurgicales plus lourdes sont de plus en plus souvent pratiquées sur des patients dont la santé est compromise. L'optimisation multimodale des soins chirurgicaux améliore de manière significative la fonction physique et psychologique du patient et réduit la morbidité et la mortalité après l'intervention chirurgicale. Les soins dispensés dans le cadre d'une approche multidisciplinaire rationalisent l'allocation des ressources afin de fournir des soins rapides et d'obtenir des...
Avec l'élargissement constant du champ d'action de la spécialité bucco-maxillo-faciale, des interventions chirurgicales plus lourdes sont de plus e...
Mycosis is defined as an infection caused by fungi and is categorized into groups based on portal of entry and the major site of infection [1]. Mycosis may be grouped as superficial, subcutaneous and systemic [3]. The Superficial infections are worldwide in their distribution which include Dermatophytosis and Superficial Candidiasis. The subcutaneous mycosis include Sporotrichosis, Mycetoma, Chromoblastomycosis, Subcutaneous Zygomycosis and Lobomycosis. Systemic mycosis include Opportunistic infections - Systemic Candidiasis, Aspergillosis, Zygomycosis, Fusariosis, Cryptococcosis and Endemic...
Mycosis is defined as an infection caused by fungi and is categorized into groups based on portal of entry and the major site of infection [1]. Mycosi...