The remarkable contribution of Lord Buddha and his great philosophies in human life, as well as human civilization, is undeniable. This study mainly focuses on the influence of Buddhist Education among the people of ancient Bengal. Buddhist Education in those days was rather more democratic. Its inhabitant was above all sort of narrow discrimination based on class, creed, gender, and caste. The rise of Buddhism had taken the idea of Education closer to the threshold of the common people. Later on, during further studies, it was found that the monasteries were the centres of Buddhist...
The remarkable contribution of Lord Buddha and his great philosophies in human life, as well as human civilization, is undeniable. This study mainly f...
Calculus is concerned with two basic operations, differentiation, and integration, and is a tool used by engineers to determine such quantities as rates of change and areas; in fact, calculus is the mathematical 'backbone' for dealing with problems where variables change with time or some other reference variable and a basic understanding of calculus is essential for further study and the development of confidence in solving practical engineering problems (Goulding et al., 2003). This will become evident in the next chapter where physical systems will be modeled and the use of 'rates of...
Calculus is concerned with two basic operations, differentiation, and integration, and is a tool used by engineers to determine such quantities as rat...
Prafulla Chandra Ray hatte sich stets für die Verwendung der Volkssprache eingesetzt, um den Kindern den bestmöglichen Wissenserwerb zu ermöglichen. Er schrieb wissenschaftliche Bücher in Bengali, um den einheimischen Schülern zu helfen. Er veröffentlichte mehr als 158 Forschungsarbeiten, die in renommierten Fachzeitschriften seiner Zeit publiziert wurden. Prafulla Chandra sagte sehr richtig: "Zufälle spielen eine auffällige Rolle in der Geschichte der Wissenschaft, aber sie können nur von denjenigen genutzt werden, deren Verstand dafür prädisponiert ist." Er entdeckte die stabile...
Prafulla Chandra Ray hatte sich stets für die Verwendung der Volkssprache eingesetzt, um den Kindern den bestmöglichen Wissenserwerb zu ermöglichen...
Sage Aurobindo's teaching and philosophical thought of the ancient Indian tradition is beautiful through reformation while transforming human life and everyone's life. When all people are fully conscious, when all people are developed, then the opposing forces and external forces will not be able to defeat them. Then the country will become independent, the world will become self-reliant. This education is the greatest. From the point of view of education, we see Aurobindo, his philosophy is not to imitate Indian philosophy, but to follow, to follow only makes him enlightened, to coordinate...
Sage Aurobindo's teaching and philosophical thought of the ancient Indian tradition is beautiful through reformation while transforming human life and...
Netaji war stolz auf Indiens glorreiches Erbe. Eine der Eigenschaften von Subhas Chandra Bose war, dass er mit jedem freundschaftlich umging. In Netajis Verhalten gab es keine Arroganz. Netaji war bei allen als Subhas Babu bekannt. Netajis Ruhm hat den Indern in öffentlichen Versammlungen auf der ganzen Welt großen Ruhm eingebracht. Während der Renaissance von Netaji war der Ruhm der Bengalis traditionell die beste Person. Wir sehen die Entwicklung der Religion der Bengalen in der Verfolgung des Lebens von Netaji, wie die Bengalen ihre Vitalität in der Verfolgung des Staates gezeigt...
Netaji war stolz auf Indiens glorreiches Erbe. Eine der Eigenschaften von Subhas Chandra Bose war, dass er mit jedem freundschaftlich umging. In Netaj...