Physics concludes then when postulates originate. Application of them evidences misunderstanding of physical phenomena followed by substitution of postulates for these phenomena. The whole last century was signalized by the greatest crisis in physics when materialistic understanding of reality succeeded mathematics which itself started to create its physical laws. A typical example of such approaches was introducing metaphysical concept of frequency dispersion of such parameters as dielectric and magnetic permeability of material media. These metaphysical approaches generated the entire...
Physics concludes then when postulates originate. Application of them evidences misunderstanding of physical phenomena followed by substitution of pos...
The article consists of two parts. The first part (F. Mende) presents the field theory of field transformation in classical electrodynamics. He constructed a notation that used the discovered derivative that Maxwell used when writing his membership. in this form, Maxwell's equations are invariant to Galilean transformation. In the second part (A. Kukushkin and A. Rukhadze) a critical review of approaches to describing the energy of electromagnetic fields is given, as well as a review of theoretical and experimental work on the frequency of waves from the point of view of the special theory of...
The article consists of two parts. The first part (F. Mende) presents the field theory of field transformation in classical electrodynamics. He constr...
A new type of interferometer has been developed that uses the principle of mechanical beam division. With its help, the time constant of the wavelength of the laser beam, which does not depend on the velocity of the generator or mirror moving along the harmonic law, has been experimentally observed. The combination of this new effect with the known Doppler effect indicates the classical addition of the speed of light in this case with the speed of its source, which violates the principle of the invariance of the speed of light of the theory of relativity. Due to the detected effect, the use...
A new type of interferometer has been developed that uses the principle of mechanical beam division. With its help, the time constant of the wavelengt...
The concept of the vector potential of the magnetic field in the induction equations is clarified. The concept of the vector potential of the electric field is introduced. It has been shown that the kinetic inductance of charges plays an equally important role in electrodynamics as the dielectric and magnetic permeability. A mathematical model of the dispersion of electromagnetic waves in conductors and dielectrics was developed using a physical value of dielectric permittivity, which does not depend on frequency. It has been shown that transverse plasma resonance can exist in limited plasma....
The concept of the vector potential of the magnetic field in the induction equations is clarified. The concept of the vector potential of the electric...
The monograph contains 6 sections. In the first of them the role of the kinetic inductance of electrons is examined, it is shown that this parameter has not less important significance, than the dielectric and magnetic constant of medium, although it enters into all equations implicitly. In the second division the new type of interferometer with the mechanical division of laser beam, invented by the author of monograph, is examined. The insolvency of the conversions of Lorenz and second postulate of the special theory of relativity is shown with the aid of this interferometer. The third...
The monograph contains 6 sections. In the first of them the role of the kinetic inductance of electrons is examined, it is shown that this parameter h...
The book shows that Maxwell's equations can be represented in the symmetrical form and such equations describe entire spectrum of electrodynamic processes in the material media. The equivalent diagrams of plasma media, dielectrics and magnetic materials, placed between the planes of long line are represented. The new concept of kinetic capacity is introduced, which describes the energy processes, connected with the precessional motion of the magnetic moments of atoms in the magnetized media. The concepts of the electrokinetic and magnetopotential waves, which describe wave processes in the...
The book shows that Maxwell's equations can be represented in the symmetrical form and such equations describe entire spectrum of electrodynamic proce...