COVID-19 is a disease caused by a corona virus named SARS COV-2 This condition is spread by inhalation or close interaction with infected person's droplets coming out from mouth or nose. It has an incubation period between 2-14 days. The symptoms of the disease include fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, and tiredness. Pathologically it is Multi system Thrombotic Hyper Inflammatory Vasculitis Syndrome. RTPCR, chest X-rays, blood tests and CT scan are used in the diagnosis of various stages of disease. There is no specific antiviral treatment for the disease as of...
COVID-19 is a disease caused by a corona virus named SARS COV-2 This condition is spread by inhalation or close interaction with infected person's dro...
COVID-19 ist eine Krankheit, die durch ein Coronavirus namens SARS COV-2 verursacht wird. Die Krankheit wird durch Einatmen oder engen Kontakt mit Tröpfchen infizierter Personen, die aus Mund oder Nase kommen, übertragen. Die Inkubationszeit beträgt zwischen 2 und 14 Tagen. Zu den Symptomen der Krankheit gehören Fieber, Husten, Niesen, Halsschmerzen, Atembeschwerden und Müdigkeit. Pathologisch handelt es sich um ein multisystemisches thrombotisch-hyperinflammatorisches Vaskulitis-Syndrom. Zur Diagnose der verschiedenen Krankheitsstadien werden RTPCR, Röntgenaufnahmen der Brust,...
COVID-19 ist eine Krankheit, die durch ein Coronavirus namens SARS COV-2 verursacht wird. Die Krankheit wird durch Einatmen oder engen Kontakt mit TrÃ...
Life on the planet earth is a very complex process of biochemical reactions of various elements .human body has the ability to control and change its internal environment which is called Milieu Interior. Milieu Interior is a very complex biochemical and biophysical system. Of the trillions of cells that make up our body, not a single cell can survive alone because every cell and every molecule that makes it depends on others for its functions Due to this system the human body has developed the ability to adapt to the environment both internal as well as external. There is always an energy...
Life on the planet earth is a very complex process of biochemical reactions of various elements .human body has the ability to control and change its ...