Die derzeitige Attraktivität der Behandlung ohne Extraktion zur Korrektur von Diskrepanzen in der Zahnbogenform hat ein erneutes Interesse an alternativen Methoden zur Vergrößerung des Zahnbogenumfangs geweckt. Die orthopädische Erweiterung des Oberkieferbogens oder Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) ist eine praktikable Option, um zusätzlichen Platz in den Zahnbögen zu schaffen und transversale Diskrepanzen zu beheben, die durch verengte Oberkieferbögen entstehen. Es handelt sich um eine häufig angewandte Technik, die in den letzten 30 Jahren immer beliebter geworden ist.
Die derzeitige Attraktivität der Behandlung ohne Extraktion zur Korrektur von Diskrepanzen in der Zahnbogenform hat ein erneutes Interesse an alterna...
L'attrait actuel des traitements sans extraction pour corriger les divergences de taille des dents a suscité un regain d'intérêt pour les méthodes alternatives d'augmentation du périmètre des arcades. L'expansion orthopédique de l'arcade maxillaire ou expansion maxillaire rapide (RME) est une option viable pour créer de l'espace supplémentaire dans les arcades dentaires ainsi que pour traiter les divergences transversales causées par des arcades maxillaires rétrécies. Il s'agit d'une technique couramment utilisée et qui est devenue de plus en plus populaire au cours des 30...
L'attrait actuel des traitements sans extraction pour corriger les divergences de taille des dents a suscité un regain d'intérêt pour les méthodes...
Maintaining teeth in their corrected positions after treatment is often the most challenging part of an orthodontic treatment plan. Relapse following orthodontic treatment is traditionally thought of as a move back towards the original malocclusion. However, a return towards the initial malocclusion does not always occur, and relapse could be considered as any unfavourable change in tooth position after orthodontic treatment away from a corrected malocclusion. These changes may also be the result of normal age-related effects.Clinicians involved in orthodontic treatment need to have a...
Maintaining teeth in their corrected positions after treatment is often the most challenging part of an orthodontic treatment plan. Relapse following ...
The present appeal of non extraction treatment to correct tooth-size arch form discrepancies has created a renewed interest in alternative methods to increasing arch perimeter. Orthopaedic expansion of the maxillary arch or rapid maxillary expansion (RME) is a viable option to create additional space in the dental arches as well as address transverse discrepancies caused by constricted maxillary arches. It is a commonly used technique and has become increasingly popular during the last 30 years.
The present appeal of non extraction treatment to correct tooth-size arch form discrepancies has created a renewed interest in alternative methods to ...
Class III malocclusion represents a growth-related dentofacial deformity with mandibular prognathism in relation to the maxilla and/or cranial base. For accurate diagnosis and successful execution of orthodontic treatment, it is very important that children with developing Class III malocclusion must be evaluated for family history, and should undergo dental examination for molar and incisor relationships, functional assessment to evaluate CO or CR shift on mandibular closure, and cephalogram analysis to determine sagittal jaw discrepancy.
Class III malocclusion represents a growth-related dentofacial deformity with mandibular prognathism in relation to the maxilla and/or cranial base. F...
Functional treatment in general is the principle that a "new pattern of function," dictated by the appliance, leads to the development of a correspondingly "new morphologic pattern." The "new pattern of function" can refer to different functional components of the orofacial system-for example, the tongue, the lips, the facial and masticatory muscles, the ligaments, and the periosteum. Depending on the type of appliance, its proponent puts more emphasis on one of these different functional components. The "new morphologic pattern" includes a different arrangement of the teeth within the jaws,...
Functional treatment in general is the principle that a "new pattern of function," dictated by the appliance, leads to the development of a correspond...