Les valvulopathies tricuspides sont dominA(c)es par les insuffisances tricuspides fonctionnelles qui constituent une cause prA(c)dominante de reprise chirurgicale aprA]s correction des vices valvulaires du coeur gauche. Le but de ce travail A(c)tait d'A(c)tablir les facteurs prA(c)dictifs d'A(c)volutivitA(c) de l'insuffisance tricuspide suite A une chirurgie valvulaire du coeur gauche. Il s'agit d'une A(c)tude rA(c)trospective, menA(c)e dans le service de cardiologie de l'hApital Habib Thameur durant une pA(c)riode de 18 ans, entre 1995 et 2013; et ayant inclus 32 patients, tous opA(c)rA(c)s...
Les valvulopathies tricuspides sont dominA(c)es par les insuffisances tricuspides fonctionnelles qui constituent une cause prA(c)dominante de reprise ...
The concept map is a hierarchical graphic representation of a set of key concepts linked together by links defining their relationships. Its structure facilitates the accessibility of information and its better memorization.It is an active teaching strategy for active learners. It promotes scientific knowledge building and meaningful learning.Students are encouraged to become self-directed learners who are able to continually expand the boundaries of their knowledge and seek evidence for clinical decision making. It enables them to acquire the skills of critical thinking and clinical...
The concept map is a hierarchical graphic representation of a set of key concepts linked together by links defining their relationships. Its structure...