Die Republik São Tomé und Príncipe ist ein kleiner Inselstaat mit niedrigem mittleren Einkommen und einer fragilen Wirtschaft. Sie besteht aus zwei Hauptinseln und vier Inselchen am Äquator im Golf von Guinea und liegt 350 km vor der Westküste Afrikas. Das nur 1.001 qkm große portugiesischsprachige Land hat 197.900 Einwohner und ein Pro-Kopf-Einkommen von 1.670 US-Dollar im Jahr 2014. Kakao-, Kaffee- und Palmölexporte sind die Eckpfeiler der Wirtschaft, obwohl der Tourismus zunimmt. Das jährliche Wachstum des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) liegt seit 2012 in der Regel bei über 4...
Die Republik São Tomé und Príncipe ist ein kleiner Inselstaat mit niedrigem mittleren Einkommen und einer fragilen Wirtschaft. Sie besteht aus zwei...
The origin, nature and evolution of the two mainstream economic thoughts are included within this book, those of John Maynard Keynes and Karl Marx, and the influence each had upon economic development and this book report examines a work in economics. The book entitled Kremlin Capitalism, written by Blasi, Kroumova & Kruse (1996) examines the state of Russia during the first part of the 1990s. The book is summarized. Some quotes are included. Keynesian economics is a theory that says the government should increase demand to boost growth. Keynesians believe consumer demand is the primary...
The origin, nature and evolution of the two mainstream economic thoughts are included within this book, those of John Maynard Keynes and Karl Marx, an...
This is a book that provides an overview of ethics in Chinese philosophy. Ethical insights from the Mengzi and the Tao Te Ching are compared. It also discusses the Tao or the "way" and how it includes and embraces all that may be dismissed as opposite. "Mencius" is a Latinization (coined by Jesuit missionaries in the 17th century) of the Chinese "Mengzi," meaning Master Meng. His full name was "Meng Ke." Our main access to Mencius's thinking is through the eponymous collection of his dialogues, debates, and sayings, the Mengzi (Mencius). His disciples or disciples of his disciples probably...
This is a book that provides an overview of ethics in Chinese philosophy. Ethical insights from the Mengzi and the Tao Te Ching are compared. It also ...
This book reviews Aristotle's theories regarding the pursuit of virtue in individuals and in society in the Nicomachean Ethics, and how the aspiration towards right action of individuals has an interactive and beneficial impact on the community as a whole. Scholars do not agree on where the name for the Nicomachean Ethics comes from. Both Aristotle's father and his son were named Nicomachus, so it is possible that the book is dedicated to either one. Other scholars suggest that Aristotle's son may have edited the book after Aristotle died, so that the title "Nicomachean" may refer to this...
This book reviews Aristotle's theories regarding the pursuit of virtue in individuals and in society in the Nicomachean Ethics, and how the aspiration...
This book examines Adam Smith's concepts and also evaluates an article on the bailout in the United States as well as it provides an overview of Adam Smith's theories as laid out in Wealth of Nations. How his ideas relate to modern day and Republican strategy is also discussed and finally it evaluates Adam Smith's view on colonialism as it is presented in his book "Wealth of Nations". Adam Smith was an 18th-century Scottish economist, philosopher, and author, who is considered the father of modern economics. Smith argued against mercantilism and was a major proponent of laissez-faire economic...
This book examines Adam Smith's concepts and also evaluates an article on the bailout in the United States as well as it provides an overview of Adam ...
This book looks at Karl Popper's critical rationalism and provides examples. Criticism of the theory is also discussed. And it looks at John Locke's apparently contradictory ideas about equality in society. Locke's political and social views are explored. Finally, it analyzes this famous work and uses the current drug war as an example of the reduction of freedom in society. Karl Popper is generally regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the 20th century. He was also a social and political philosopher of considerable stature, a self-professed critical-rationalist, a...
This book looks at Karl Popper's critical rationalism and provides examples. Criticism of the theory is also discussed. And it looks at John Locke's a...
This book discusses the concepts in Ayn Rand's "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal". Ayn Rand's 1962 text "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal" is important in the fields of philosophy and economics, it introduces the readers, or reminds the readers, what the true essence of capitalism is and not that, which has been misunderstood and construed with economic and political misconceptions. For Rand, and others, who follow the ideals of libertarianism and objectivism, capitalism is the only system, which allows for the freedom of man's rational nature and its ruling principle is justice. True capitalism is...
This book discusses the concepts in Ayn Rand's "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal". Ayn Rand's 1962 text "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal" is important in t...