Research into the relationship between schema§knowledge and language comprehension has mostly§focused on examining the effect of existence or§non-existence of stereotypical schema, making use of§conventional and predictable linguistic input. The§obtained results, however, may not be completely§generalizable to real language use that often exceeds§the limits of pre-established frames. With this in§mind, the express purpose of the present study was to§explore the effects of employing non-conventional and§atypical input on listening comprehension of EFL§learners at different levels of...
Research into the relationship between schema§knowledge and language comprehension has mostly§focused on examining the effect of existence or§non-e...
The present work attempts to characterize book review§in terms of its macro and micro constituent elements§and to document the effect of§disciplinary variation on its characteristics as a genre.§ Book review as an instance of evaluative discourse,§which is aimed at evaluating knowledge production in§different disciplines, plays a significant role in§the process of the acquiring academic literacy. §Familiarity with the global rhetorical structure and§local lexico-grammatical features of this genre can§equip language learners with certain strategies to§help them read and write...
The present work attempts to characterize book review§in terms of its macro and micro constituent elements§and to document the effect of§disciplina...