Shark turns upon an actual incident in WWII - mentioned in the film Jaws - when the ship which had delivered the fissile material to the south Pacific to be dropped on Hiroshima was subsequently sunk by a Japanese submarine with the loss of 900 men, including 200 killed in the largest shark attack ever recorded. When the Creep, an American resident in the 1970s at the therapeutic community in north London supervised by maverick psychiatrist Zack Busner, starts to tell rambling stories of thrashing about in the water while under attack from sharks, Busner has to decide whether they are...
Shark turns upon an actual incident in WWII - mentioned in the film Jaws - when the ship which had delivered the fissile material to the south Pacific...
Hrdinou vypravěčsky hravého, jazykově vynalézavého Deštníku je psychiatr Zachary alias Zack Busner, postava, jež se objevuje i v autorových dřívějších povídkách. Srdcem příběhu je setkání hlavního hrdiny psychiatra Zacharyho s pacientkou Audrey v jednom severolondýnském ústavu pro duševně choré v šedesátých letech dvacátého století. Audrey je považována za duševně nemocnou mylně, ve skutečnosti trpí záhadnou spavou nemocí, z níž se ji Busnerovi podaří načas probudit. Self se inspiroval slavnou knihou britsko-amerického neurologa Olivera Sackse...
Hrdinou vypravěčsky hravého, jazykově vynalézavého Deštníku je psychiatr Zachary alias Zack Busner, postava, jež se objevuje i v autorových ...
A large-format, signed Collector's Edition of this literary and artistic meditation on the theme of night travel from two of our greatest contemporary creative talents. `The moon drives everyone mad - you know that, well enough. But this is no lycanthropic or otherwise spooky metamorphosis: it's far stranger than that...' When Quentin Blake embarked on creating a set of new drawings on fantasies of travel, even he had not envisaged a series so sombre, so haunting, as Moonlight Travellers. These watercolour journeys through unknown landscapes capture, with unmatched skill, all the mystery...
A large-format, signed Collector's Edition of this literary and artistic meditation on the theme of night travel from two of our greatest contemporary...