This is a charming story of a young Canadian woman who meets her future husband while he was attempting to start a fire, not in her heart at the time, but simply while camping. Innocent in life and unaware of the magic that rubbing two sticks together would bring follow her story that begins when a 16 year old girl comes across General Norman Smith and three fifths of the five dependants.
This is a charming story of a young Canadian woman who meets her future husband while he was attempting to start a fire, not in her heart at the time,...
This is a charming story of a young Canadian woman who meets her future husband while he was attempting to start a fire, not in her heart at the time, but simply while camping. Innocent in life and unaware of the magic that rubbing two sticks together would bring follow her story that begins when a 16 year old girl comes across General Norman Smith and three fifths of the five dependants.
This is a charming story of a young Canadian woman who meets her future husband while he was attempting to start a fire, not in her heart at the time,...