The body of the work is focused on a comparison between David Hume, on the one hand, and two Buddhist figures, on the other hand: Buddhaghosa and N g rjuna. The book analyzes some of the challenges surrounding a comparative discussion between Western philosophy and Asian systems of thought from a perspective grounded in academic philosophy, and some of the current issues which surround comparisons between religions in religious studies. There is an examination of the life of Hume and his notion of personal identity where Hume argues that we are merely a bundle of perceptions and nothing more....
The body of the work is focused on a comparison between David Hume, on the one hand, and two Buddhist figures, on the other hand: Buddhaghosa and N g ...
Taking you on a tour of London's strangest and most intriguing locations, this title includes: The City's Lost Tunnels and Citadels; The Ghost of a "She-Wolf; The Bawdy House Riots; The Story of 'Jack the Stripper'; The Atmospheric Railway; The Thames Ringway Bicycle Race; A Banker Hanged at Newgate; and, The Crossdressing Highwayman.
Taking you on a tour of London's strangest and most intriguing locations, this title includes: The City's Lost Tunnels and Citadels; The Ghost of a "S...
"It is not the walls that make the city, but the people who live within them." -- George VI As George VI so rightly said, it is the loves, schemes, failures, battles, intrigues, and dreams of the people who live in a city that make it what it is. And in a city as vibrant and chaotic as London those lives are going to be quite extraordinary. Seeking to unravel the stories locked within each district, London expert David Long turns to the characters that have defined them. From Nanci Astor, Jimi Hendrix, and Harry Gordon Selfridge's influence on Mayfair, to Karl Marx on Soho, Charles Darin...
"It is not the walls that make the city, but the people who live within them." -- George VI As George VI so rightly said, it is the loves, schemes...
Explore ancient Egypt, from the Nile to the pyramids, and learn what life was life for pharaohs, slaves and scribes in this fascinating search-and-find adventure. Use the magnifying glass to spot over 200 things in each eye-boggling illustration. Look inside temples and houses, and discover how mummies were made and how the pyramids were built.
Explore ancient Egypt, from the Nile to the pyramids, and learn what life was life for pharaohs, slaves and scribes in this fascinating search-and-fin...
When the first passengers climbed aboard the earliest ever underground train in 1863, it would have been impossible to imagine how the London Underground would change and grow over the next 150 years. From smelly steam trains running along a single track to the innovative electric tube system speeding through a vast network of tunnels beneath our feet today, the London Underground keeps this busy city on the move. The Story of the London Underground tells the extraordinary history of the world's most famous underground railway. Explore Victorian London as the Brunels dig deep under the...
When the first passengers climbed aboard the earliest ever underground train in 1863, it would have been impossible to imagine how the London Undergro...
Díky téhle knížce procestuješ skutečná místa starověkého Egypta, nahlédneš do každodenního života tehdejších Egypťanů — od otroků až po faraony — a na vlastní kůži zažiješ velké okamžiky egyptských dějin zachycené do nejmenšího detailu. Seznámíš se s Tutanchamonem, který se stal králem už jako malý chlapec, i s jeho hrobkou plnou neuvěřitelných pokladů. Spolu s Kleopatrou se zúčastníš bitvy proti římskému vojevůdci. A zjistíš, jak a proč se dělaly mumie. Projdi s lupou stránku za stránkou a na každé dvoustraně zkus najít...
Díky téhle knížce procestuješ skutečná místa starověkého Egypta, nahlédneš do každodenního života tehdejších Egypťanů — od otrok...