A play about marriage, lust, adultery, corruption and deceit - all aided by the Mandrake Infusion. It is Machiavelli's greatest sex farce, and a landmark of the Italian Renaissance. This adaptation opened at the Jack Studio Theatre in London on 28 May 2013. "I'm not sure what liberties were applied in bringing a hit from the 1520s to the 21st century stage, but Mandrake had a timeless yet timely vibe about it - like a smart Shakespearean production. It was fresh and contemporary brimming with universal and relevant themes and a humour that's stood the test of time." Chris Osburn...
A play about marriage, lust, adultery, corruption and deceit - all aided by the Mandrake Infusion. It is Machiavelli's greatest sex farce, and a landm...
Based on Machiavelli's own first-hand experience as an emissary of the Florentine Republic to the courts of Europe, 'The Prince' analyses the usually violent ways by which men seize, retain and lose political power.
Based on Machiavelli's own first-hand experience as an emissary of the Florentine Republic to the courts of Europe, 'The Prince' analyses the usually ...
Based on Machiavelli's own first-hand experience as an emissary of the Florentine Republic to the courts of Europe, 'The Prince' analyses the usually violent ways by which men seize, retain and lose political power.
Based on Machiavelli's own first-hand experience as an emissary of the Florentine Republic to the courts of Europe, 'The Prince' analyses the usually ...
Discourses on Livy, written in 1531, is as essential to an understanding of Machiavelli as his famous treatise, The Prince. Equally controversial, it reveals his fundamental preference for a republican state. Comparing the practice of the ancient Romans with that of his contemporaries provided Machiavelli with a consistent point of view in all his works. Machiavelli's close analysis of Livy's history of Rome led him to advance his most original and outspoken view of politics--the belief that a healthy political body was characterized by social friction and conflict...
Discourses on Livy, written in 1531, is as essential to an understanding of Machiavelli as his famous treatise, The Prince. Equally ...
The most famous book on politics ever written, The Prince remains as lively and shocking today as when it was written almost five hundred years ago. Initially denounced as a collection of sinister maxims and a recommendation of tyranny, it has more recently been defended as the first scientific treatment of politics as it is practiced rather than as it ought to be practiced. Harvey C. Mansfield's brilliant translation of this classic work, along with the new materials added for this edition, make it the definitive version of The Prince, indispensable to scholars, students, and...
The most famous book on politics ever written, The Prince remains as lively and shocking today as when it was written almost five hundred years...
This is an excellent, readable and vigorous translation of "The Prince," but it is much more than simply a translation. The map, notes and guide to further reading are crisp, to-the-point and yet nicely comprehensive. The inclusion of the letter to Vettori is most welcome. But, above all, the Introduction is so gripping and lively that it has convinced me to include "The Prince" in my syllabus for History of Western Civilization the next time that I teach it. . . . Great price, too And lovely printing and layout. --Rachel Fulton, University of Chicago
This is an excellent, readable and vigorous translation of "The Prince," but it is much more than simply a translation. The map, notes and guide to...
At the end of an industrious political career in conflictriven Italy, the Florentine diplomat Niccolo Machiavelli composed his masterpiece The Prince, a classic study of power and politics, and a manual of ruthlessness for any ambitious ruler. Controversial in his own time, The Prince made Machiavelli s name a byword for manipulative scheming, and had an impact on such major figures as Napoleon and Frederick the Great. It contains principles as true today as when they were first written almost five centuries ago."
At the end of an industrious political career in conflictriven Italy, the Florentine diplomat Niccolo Machiavelli composed his masterpiece The Prince,...
A new series of beautiful hardcover nonfiction classics, with covers designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith
World-changing ideas meet eye-catching design: the best titles of the extraordinarily successful Great Ideas series are now packaged in Coralie Bickford-Smith's distinctive, award-winning covers. Whether on a well-curated shelf or in your back pocket, these timeless works of philosophical, political, and psychological thought are absolute must-haves for book collectors as well as design enthusiasts.
As a diplomat in turbulent fifteenth-century Florence, Niccolo Machiavelli...
A new series of beautiful hardcover nonfiction classics, with covers designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith
Niccolo Machiavelli: Der Furst Entstanden 1513 unter dem Titel De Principatibus. Erstdruck unter dem Titel Il Principe, Rom 1532; erste deutsche Ubersetzung unter dem Titel Lebens- und Regierungs-Maximen eines Fursten, Koln 1714. Der Text folgt der Ubersetzung durch Johann Gottlob Regis von 1842. Vollstandige Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2013. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Nicolo Machiavelli: Der Furst. Ubersetzt von Gottlob Regis, Stuttgart und Tubingen: Cotta, 1842. Die Paginierung obiger Ausgabe wird in dieser Neuausgabe als...
Niccolo Machiavelli: Der Furst Entstanden 1513 unter dem Titel De Principatibus. Erstdruck unter dem Titel Il Principe, Rom 1532; erste deutsche Ubers...
Niccolo Machiavelli: Der Furst Entstanden 1513 unter dem Titel De Principatibus. Erstdruck unter dem Titel Il Principe, Rom 1532; erste deutsche Ubersetzung unter dem Titel Lebens- und Regierungs-Maximen eines Fursten, Koln 1714. Der Text folgt der Ubersetzung durch Johann Gottlob Regis von 1842. Vollstandige Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2013. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Nicolo Machiavelli: Der Furst. Ubersetzt von Gottlob Regis, Stuttgart und Tubingen: Cotta, 1842. Die Paginierung obiger Ausgabe wird in dieser Neuausgabe als...
Niccolo Machiavelli: Der Furst Entstanden 1513 unter dem Titel De Principatibus. Erstdruck unter dem Titel Il Principe, Rom 1532; erste deutsche Ubers...