Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, formal schooling is frequently following rather than leading. The impression is given by central government that the education system serves as a 'thermostat' restoring society's settings in areas such as productivity, citizenship, health, sexual mores and behaviour. Educational reform over the last twenty years has clarified an existing educational process, reformatted the financial management of schools and resuscitated the inspection system. It has not, however, laid the foundations of a world-class future responsive educational system....
Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, formal schooling is frequently following rather than leading. The impression is given by central ...
The understanding of leadership has changed from being directive towards a people-centred and future-responsive style. Alongside this has been the growing awareness of the impact of emotional intelligence and its centrality in defining exemplary leadership.
There is also a growing recognition of the intense toll on individuals who step up to lead groups within organisations and to lead the organisations themselves. This situation is being exacerbated by the imminent shortage of senior leaders within schools. This is in part due to the aging population of school leaders. It is also...
The understanding of leadership has changed from being directive towards a people-centred and future-responsive style. Alongside this has been the ...