INTRODUCTION Markus Krajewski, Ulla Neergaard, Johan van de Gronden I. The changing framework of public services in Europe In recent years, the body of European law affecting public services services of general economic interest as they are called in the EC Treaty has been subject to a significant transformation. Until the mid-1990s, services provided by public - thorities on the basis of monopolies or other forms of restrictions of market access were regarded as derogations from the disciplines of the internal market and c- petition law. The underlying assumption was that the open and...
INTRODUCTION Markus Krajewski, Ulla Neergaard, Johan van de Gronden I. The changing framework of public services in Europe In recent years, the body o...
Haben die abwaschbaren Fassaden der wiederaufgebauten Großstädte nach 1945 etwas mit dem Seelenzustand Deutschlands in der 'Stunde Null' zu tun? In Bild und Text verfolgen Markus Krajewski und Christian Werner diese These. Es verspricht spannend zu werden!
Haben die abwaschbaren Fassaden der wiederaufgebauten Großstädte nach 1945 etwas mit dem Seelenzustand Deutschlands in der 'Stunde Null' zu tun? In ...