"Rausch der Verwandlung" ist ein in den dreissiger Jahren entstandenes Romanfragment von Stefan Zweig, das 1982 aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben wurde. Der Herausgeber Knut Beck erganzte es dabei um Notizen von Zweig und unternahm verschiedene redaktionelle Uberarbeitungen."
"Rausch der Verwandlung" ist ein in den dreissiger Jahren entstandenes Romanfragment von Stefan Zweig, das 1982 aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben wurde. ...
Víte, že hymnu francouzských revolucionářů Marseillaisu složil zarytý stoupenec monarchie? Že objev zlata v Kalifornii udělal z nejbohatšího muže světa žebráka? A že stačilo jen zavřít zadní branku, a Turci by nedobyli Cařihrad? O tom všem píše Stefan Zweig v této knize, která se ve světě již dávno proslavila. Přináší dvanáct mimořádně zajímavých příběhů, které v posledních pěti stoletích měnily tvář našeho světa. Jsou o vojevůdcích, geniálních vynálezcích i nesmrtelných umělcích. A o tom, proč právě kvůli nim udeřila...
Víte, že hymnu francouzských revolucionářů Marseillaisu složil zarytý stoupenec monarchie? Že objev zlata v Kalifornii udělal z nejbohatší...
The post-office girl is Christine, who looks after her ailing mother and toils in a provincial Austrian post office in the years just after the Great War. One afternoon, as she is dozing among the official forms and stamps, a telegraph arrives addressed to her. It is from her rich aunt, who lives in America.
The post-office girl is Christine, who looks after her ailing mother and toils in a provincial Austrian post office in the years just after the Great ...
Born in Vienna in 1881, Stefan Zweig was one of the most respected authors of his time. Foreseeing Nazi Germany's domination of Europe, Zweig left Austria in 1933. In 1941, following a successful lecture tour of South America and several months in New York, Stefan Zweig and his wife Lotte emigrated to Brazil. Despairing at Europe's future and feeling increasingly isolated, the Zweigs committed suicide together in 1942.
Stefan Zweig was an incessant correspondent but as the 1930s progressed, it became difficult for him to maintain contact with friends and colleagues. As Zweig's...
Born in Vienna in 1881, Stefan Zweig was one of the most respected authors of his time. Foreseeing Nazi Germany's domination of Europe, Zweig left Aus...
The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) is one of the most famous navigators in history - he was the first man to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and led the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe, although he was killed en route in a battle in the Philippines. In this biography, Zweig brings to life the Age of Discovery by telling the tale of one of the era's most daring adventurers. In typically flowing and elegant prose he takes us on a fascinating journey of discovery ourselves.
The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) is one of the most famous navigators in history - he was the first man to sail from the Atlanti...
A new paperback edition of the only novel written by one of the most popular authors of the twentieth century, translated by the award-winning Anthea Bell.
A new paperback edition of the only novel written by one of the most popular authors of the twentieth century, translated by the award-winning Anthea ...
Durchgesehene Ausgabe mit ausfuhrlichen Erlauterungen und einer Nachbemerkung Stefan Zweigs beruhmteste Novelle ist die weltweit bekannteste literarische Auseinandersetzung mit dem "koniglichen Spiel" und zugleich ein wichtiges Schlusselwerk der Exilliteratur."
Durchgesehene Ausgabe mit ausfuhrlichen Erlauterungen und einer Nachbemerkung Stefan Zweigs beruhmteste Novelle ist die weltweit bekannteste literaris...
It's just a masterpiece. When I read it I thought, how is it that we don't know about this-how is it that I am the only person I know who's read this book? Wes Anderson, on Stefan Zweig's Beware of Pity Contents: A Conversation with Wes Anderson-Wes Anderson discusses Zweig's life and work with Zweig biographer George Prochnik. The World of Yesterday-Selected extracts from Zweig's memoir, an unrivalled evocation of bygone Europe. Beware of Pity-An extract from Zweig's only novel, a devastating depiction of the torment of the betrayal of both honour and love. Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a...
It's just a masterpiece. When I read it I thought, how is it that we don't know about this-how is it that I am the only person I know who's read this ...