In this landmark book, one of the twentieth century's greatest astronomers presents scientific evidence that our vast universe may be only a grain of sand on the infinite cosmic shore.It is now widely accepted that our universe exploded around 15 billion years ago from an unimaginably energetic initial event: the big bang. As the primordial material expanded and cooled, it evolved into the exquisite patterns of stars and galaxies we now observe. The mix of energy and radiation that characterizes our universe was imprinted in that initial instant--as were the binding forces of nuclear physics...
In this landmark book, one of the twentieth century's greatest astronomers presents scientific evidence that our vast universe may be only a grain of ...
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882 1944) was a key figure in the development of modern astrophysics, who also made important contributions to the philosophy of science and popular science writing. The Arthur Eddington Memorial Trust was set up after his death in order to hold annual lectures on the relationship between scientific thought and aspects of philosophy, religion or ethics. This 2012 collection gathers together six of these lectures, including contributions by Sir Edmund Whittaker, Herbert Dingle, Richard B. Braithwaite, John C. Eccles, Dame Kathleen Lonsdale, and Baroness Mary...
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882 1944) was a key figure in the development of modern astrophysics, who also made important contributions to the phil...
Our planet may be insignificant on a cosmic scale, but the evolution of intelligent life here makes it unusual, it is likely to be unique in our galaxy. Yet we may be on the verge of destroying int, of destroying ourselves - over the next century the future of life in the cosmos could be either jeopardised - of safeguarded for perpetuity.
Our planet may be insignificant on a cosmic scale, but the evolution of intelligent life here makes it unusual, it is likely to be unique in our galax...
Science in the twenty-first century inherits a fantastic record of accomplishment. Yet there remain enormous questions to answer - some of them revealed by those very past successes. Why is 95 per cent of the universe undetectable dark matter', and does it control the cosmos - how it began, its eventual fate and whether it is finite or infinite? Is our universe the only one, or could there be an infinity of others? Do other universes operate on different physical laws. Is there complex life in other star systems. If so, how far could it outstrip our intelligence? Could a sufficiently advanced...
Science in the twenty-first century inherits a fantastic record of accomplishment. Yet there remain enormous questions to answer - some of them reveal...
Edexcel GCE History is a new series for Edexcel's new exam specification for 2008. This student book provides exam tips and activities, so students can be sure they will develop all the historical skills and understanding they need.
Edexcel GCE History is a new series for Edexcel's new exam specification for 2008. This student book provides exam tips and activities, so students ca...
Gravitace je v našem vesmíru dominantní silou. Rees a Begelman, oba renomovaní astrofyzikové, gravitaci zkoumají tam, kde je nekonečně silná: v černých dírách. Černé díry jsou ohromující objekty, které mohou mít hmotnost miliard Sluncí, ale pozorovat je lze jen prostřednictvím mohutného přitažlivého působení, které pohlcuje vše, co se octne v jejich blízkosti. Osudová přitažlivost popisuje, jak byly tyto nesmírně hmotné neviditelné objekty objeveny a co nám jejich existence říká o vývoji vesmíru. Knihu doplňuje množství názorných ilustrací a...
Gravitace je v našem vesmíru dominantní silou. Rees a Begelman, oba renomovaní astrofyzikové, gravitaci zkoumají tam, kde je nekonečně silná:...
How did a single genesis event create billions of galaxies, black holes, stars and planets? How did atoms assemble - here on Earth, and perhaps on other worlds - into living beings intricate enough to ponder their origins? This book describes the recent avalanche of discoveries about the universe's fundamental laws, and the deep connections that exist between stars and atoms - the cosmos and the microscopic world. Just six numbers, imprinted in the big bang, determine the essence of our world, and this book devotes one chapter to explaining each.
How did a single genesis event create billions of galaxies, black holes, stars and planets? How did atoms assemble - here on Earth, and perhaps on oth...