The accession of Henry VIII provided the catalyst for cardinal Wolsey's dramatic rise to power. a month after his receipt of the coveted cardinal's hat in 1515, Wolsey became lord chancellor, making him the king's principal minister and England's senior judge, despite having no formal education in the law. Wolsey's pan-European vision ensured that he was well aware of the threat posed by Martin Luther's theological revolution and campaign against clerical abuses. He therefore sought to nip English heresy in the bud by taking decisive action against known religious radicals and by founding...
The accession of Henry VIII provided the catalyst for cardinal Wolsey's dramatic rise to power. a month after his receipt of the coveted cardinal's ha...
When the British thought of themselves as a Protestant nation their natural enemy was the pope. Rome's perspective was always considerably wider and the popes' view of Britain was almost invariably positive. No Christians were as devoted to St. Peter and his successors as the Anglo-Saxons who made their pilgrimages to Rome and supported the papacy by means of Peter's Pence. In the high medieval period, popes suffered opposition and attempted deposition at the hands of emperors, but England's King John placed his kingdom under papal overlordship, compounding his villainy in Protestant eyes....
When the British thought of themselves as a Protestant nation their natural enemy was the pope. Rome's perspective was always considerably wider and t...