Everything you need to know about prana. Alternate Energy for the New Millennium, including a Program for eliminating hunger in Third World countries. Can we eliminate all health & hunger challenges on our planet? Is there a way of satiating everyone's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual hungers and do it in a way that creates peace and harmony in our world? After over a decade of experiential research in the field of alternate nourishment utilizing chi or prana - also known as cosmic particles - Jasmuheen as leading researcher in this field, now puts forth a program to do just that....
Everything you need to know about prana. Alternate Energy for the New Millennium, including a Program for eliminating hunger in Third World countries....
A cross between Harry Potter, Star Wars & the Matrix movies, the Queen of the Matrix focuses on the ascension of woman and offers powerful ancient metaphysical tools and futuristic insights and will entertain all ages. In book one of this trilogy we find the master field fiddler Tan living on board the Starship Elysium with Rani and those who oversee the merging of the realms. The Starship Elysium has detected an anomaly in the Matrix that has begun to bleed through into future worlds and alter the course of the merging. Now the Queen's light is dimming and the witch must be reborn to close...
A cross between Harry Potter, Star Wars & the Matrix movies, the Queen of the Matrix focuses on the ascension of woman and offers powerful ancient met...
Heute stirbt jeder vierte Erwachsene unnotiger Weise an einer der sieben lebensbedrohlichen Erkrankungen. Das mag daran liegen, dass zu wenig ganzheitlich orientiertes Wissen propagiert wird oder auch daran, dass fur die Betreffenden einfach ihre Stunde geschlagen hat. Und falls es fur sie an der Zeit ist, stellt sich die nachste Frage: Konnen sie dann mit Wurde sterben? Sollte man es ihnen selbst uberlassen, ob sie das uralte Verfahren der Selbsteuthanasie kennen und einsetzen wollen, von dem schon die Lamas in unterschiedlichsten Zeitaltern wussten? Was hat es mit dieser uralten Methode auf...
Heute stirbt jeder vierte Erwachsene unnotiger Weise an einer der sieben lebensbedrohlichen Erkrankungen. Das mag daran liegen, dass zu wenig ganzheit...
In the heart of the Amazons I found the greatest inner teacher I have ever known, a teacher who took me into levels of understanding and insights that allowed me to come out of the Amazon jungle with a feeling that I had been both disassembled and reborn. I invite you to keep an open mind as you journey with me through the following pages, for many issues will be raised. Two extremes will be looked at deeply - from the sacred, ritualistic use of ancient power plants among the shaman of our world, to the favelas (slums) of Rio with their drug lords, violence and the aftermath of all that...
In the heart of the Amazons I found the greatest inner teacher I have ever known, a teacher who took me into levels of understanding and insights that...