Clarkson on Cars is a revamped, rejuvenated and expanded edition of Clarkson's classic collection of car journalism. Clarkson rewrote the rule book for motor journalism and here's how.
Opinionated, original and laugh-out-loud funny, this is Clarkson at his best.
Clarkson on Cars is a revamped, rejuvenated and expanded edition of Clarkson's classic collection of car journalism. Clarkson rewrote the rule book fo...
Born to be Riled is a collection of hilarious vintage journalism from Jeremy Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson, it has to be said, sometimes finds the world a maddening place. And nowhere more so than from behind the wheel of a car, where you can see any number of people acting like lunatics while in control (or not) of a ton of metal. In this collection of classic columns, first published in 1999, Jeremy takes a look at the world through his windscreen, shakes his head at what he sees--and then puts the boot in. Among other things, he explains why Surrey is worse than Wales, how crossing your...
Born to be Riled is a collection of hilarious vintage journalism from Jeremy Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson, it has to be said, sometimes finds the ...
Jeremy Clarkson, shares his opinions on just about everything in For Crying Out Loud. The publication of The World According to Clarkson in 2004 launched a multi-million copy bestselling phenomenon. But to no avail. Jeremy's one man war on crimes against common sense has not yet been won. And out hero's still scratching his head at the madness of it all. But it's not all bad. He's learnt a little along the way, including: - Why binge drinking is good for you - The worst word in the English language - The remarkable secret of eternal youth - The problem with America - And how to dispose of a...
Jeremy Clarkson, shares his opinions on just about everything in For Crying Out Loud. The publication of The World According to Clarkson in 2004 launc...
Jeremy Clarkson is once more Driven to Distraction. Brace yourself. Clarkson's back. And he'd like to tell you what he thinks about some of the most awe-inspiring, earth-shatteringly fast and jaw-droppingly cool cars in the world (oh, and a few irredeemable disasters...). Or he would if he could just get one or two things off his chest first. Matters such as: - The prospect of having Terry Wogan as president - Why you'll never see a woman driving a Lexus - The unforeseen consequences of inadequate birth control - Why everyone should spend a weekend with a digger Driven to Distraction is...
Jeremy Clarkson is once more Driven to Distraction. Brace yourself. Clarkson's back. And he'd like to tell you what he thinks about some of the most a...
Jeremy Clarkson had a dream. A world where the nonsensical made sense, the idiotic was abolished and the sheer bloody brilliant was embraced. In this book, our hero embarks on a quest to set the world to rights. Again.
Jeremy Clarkson had a dream. A world where the nonsensical made sense, the idiotic was abolished and the sheer bloody brilliant was embraced. In this ...
Funny, globe-trotting, irreverent and sometimes downright rude, 'Round the Bend' is packed with curious and fascinating but otherwise hopelessly useless stories and facts about everything under the sun (and just occasionally cars).
Funny, globe-trotting, irreverent and sometimes downright rude, 'Round the Bend' is packed with curious and fascinating but otherwise hopelessly usele...
The Top Gear Years brings together Jeremy Clarkson's collected magazine columns for the first time. Clarkson at his pithy, provocative, hilarious best We now know all about the world according to Clarkson. In a series of bestselling books Jeremy has revealed it to be a puzzling, frustrating place where all too often the lunatics seem to be running the asylum. But in The Top Gear Years, we get something rather different. Because ten years ago, at an ex-RAF aerodrome in Surrey, Jeremy and his friends built a world that was rather more to his liking: they called it Top Gear HQ. And Top Gear is...
The Top Gear Years brings together Jeremy Clarkson's collected magazine columns for the first time. Clarkson at his pithy, provocative, hilarious best...
Motoristický pořad Top Gear sleduje po celém světě asi 350 milionů diváků, momentálně běží i na českém kanálu Prima Cool. Za jeho mimořádnou popularitou stojí zejména hlavní moderátor Jeremy Clarkson, autor této knihy. Začal ji psát, aby se vyznal ze své vášně pro auta a také aby zjistil, co vlastně lidi k nejrůznějším strojům tolik přitahuje. A k čemu došel? Že ty nejvíce fascinující automobily, letadla, ponorky, raketoplány a další technické výtvory mají jedno společné: za každým z nich najdeme nějakého vizionářského inženýra či...
Motoristický pořad Top Gear sleduje po celém světě asi 350 milionů diváků, momentálně běží i na českém kanálu Prima Cool. Za jeho mimo...
Jako Jeremy Clarkson neumí psát nikdo na světě. A vůbec nejlepší jsou jeho automobilové recenze, které už dlouhá léta píše týden co týden pro britský nedělník The Sunday Times. Nyní vychází již jejich třetí sbírka, tentokrát z let 2011–2013. Jeremy ovšem čtenáře nenudí suchopárnými texty o kilowattech, newtonmetrech, rozvoru kol či objemu zavazadlového prostoru. Prostřednictvím svých sloupků si spíše vyřizuje účty se vším, co ho štve na britské politice, dopravní byrokracii, řečech o globálním oteplování, golfu, elektromobilech,...
Jako Jeremy Clarkson neumí psát nikdo na světě. A vůbec nejlepší jsou jeho automobilové recenze, které už dlouhá léta píše týden co tý...