"To begin with I'd like to talk about my wife. To love means, in addition to many other things, to delight in gazing upon and observing the beloved." --From Conjugal Love When Silvio, a rich Italian dilettante, and his beautiful wife agree to move to the country and forgo sex so that he will have the energy to write a successful novel, something is bound to go wrong: Silvio's literary ambitions are far too big for his second-rate talent, and his wife Leda is a passionate woman. This dangerously combustible situation is set off when Leda accuses Antonio, the local barber who comes...
"To begin with I'd like to talk about my wife. To love means, in addition to many other things, to delight in gazing upon and observing the beloved."<...
The novels that the great Italian writer Alberto Moravia wrote in the years following the World War II represent an extraordinary survey of the range of human behavior in a fragmented modern society. Boredom, the story of a failed artist and pampered son of a rich family who becomes dangerously attached to a young model, examines the complex relations between money, sex, and imperiled masculinity. This powerful and disturbing study in the pathology of modern life is one of the masterworks of a writer whom as Anthony Burgess once remarked, was "always trying to get to the bottom of the...
The novels that the great Italian writer Alberto Moravia wrote in the years following the World War II represent an extraordinary survey of the range ...
Contempt is a brilliant and unsettling work by one of the revolutionary masters of modern European literature. All the qualities for which Alberto Moravia is justly famous--his cool clarity of expression, his exacting attention to psychological complexity and social pretension, his still-striking openness about sex--are evident in this story of a failing marriage. Contempt (which was to inspire Jean-Luc Godard's no-less-celebrated film) is an unflinching examination of desperation and self-deception in the emotional vacuum of modern consumer society.
Contempt is a brilliant and unsettling work by one of the revolutionary masters of modern European literature. All the qualities for which Albe...
Zpráva o ledové zemi, kterou si autor zamiloval a málem tam zmrznul, když se se třemi Dány vydal v dubnu 2011 ze západního pobřeží na východ. Čtyřčlenná výprava BIG ICE EXPEDITION 2011 napříč grónským ledovcem urazila za 28 dní na lyžích téměř 600 km. Vyprávění o cestě bílou pustinou připomíná dobrodružné klukovské výpravy, ale nezakrývá, že i přes dnešní skoro dokonalé zabezpečení může jít o život. Po Grónských mýtech a pověstech Knuda Rasmussena, které autor přeložil spolu se svou ženou Violou, představuje knížka...
Zpráva o ledové zemi, kterou si autor zamiloval a málem tam zmrznul, když se se třemi Dány vydal v dubnu 2011 ze západního pobřeží na vých...