Six friends embark on a perilous quest that will change their lives forever: book one in a thrilling trilogy full of love, magic and drama from Nora Roberts, the world's greatest storyteller
Six friends embark on a perilous quest that will change their lives forever: book one in a thrilling trilogy full of love, magic and drama from Nora R...
In 1792, two cousins of frontiersman Daniel Boone established Boonsboro when they sold the town's first plotted lot. After growing from five taxable buildings in 1796 to 24 houses in 1803 and nearly doubling in population from 1820 to 1830, Boonsboro was officially incorporated in 1831. Along the way, Maryland governor William Hamilton was born in Boonsboro in 1820, and residents completed the world's first monument to US president George Washington in 1827. During the Civil War, the Battle of South Mountain produced 6,000 casualties near Boonsboro on September 14, 1862, and three days...
In 1792, two cousins of frontiersman Daniel Boone established Boonsboro when they sold the town's first plotted lot. After growing from five taxable b...