Our orders were to march to the coast and board ships. In doing so we marched past a barracks of WAC's. They sang "We Don't Want Any Bacon, All We Want Is A Piece Of The Rhine." After being wounded at the Battle of St. Lo, France, I asked the nurse what we were to do if the First Aid Station was bombed in the night. She said, "Don't worry, there is a big white cross on top of the tent. They won't bomb us." I asked why she wore a steel helmet and what were the jagged holes in the tent wall from? She said, "Oh shut up." The following day a C-47 Flying Boxcar loaded the wounded. The pilot said,...
Our orders were to march to the coast and board ships. In doing so we marched past a barracks of WAC's. They sang "We Don't Want Any Bacon, All We Wan...