The author presents a theory whereby nets, terms and formulas represent concurrent process at three levels of abstractions: Petri nets are used to describe all details of the operational machine behavior of processes. Algebraic process terms such as Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) or Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) two of the main models for parallel programming, are used to describe the architecture of processes, i.e. how they can be composed from subprocesses. Logical formulas of a first-order trace logic are used to describe the safety and liveness aspects of the...
The author presents a theory whereby nets, terms and formulas represent concurrent process at three levels of abstractions: Petri nets are used to des...
Real-time systems need to react to certain input stimuli within given time bounds. For example, an airbag in a car has to unfold within 300 milliseconds in a crash. There are many embedded safety-critical applications and each requires real-time specification techniques. This text introduces three of these techniques, based on logic and automata: duration calculus, timed automata, and PLC-automata. The techniques are brought together to form a seamless design flow, from real-time requirements specified in the duration calculus; via designs specified by PLC-automata; and into source code for...
Real-time systems need to react to certain input stimuli within given time bounds. For example, an airbag in a car has to unfold within 300 millisecon...