The Oxford Reading Tree Traditional Tales series is a collection of some of the best known stories from around the world carefully adapted for children to read themselves. In this circular tale, Yoshi is a Japanese stonecutter who is always wishing for more. Will he ever be happy?
The Oxford Reading Tree Traditional Tales series is a collection of some of the best known stories from around the world carefully adapted for childre...
The Oxford Reading Tree Traditional Tales series is a collection of some of the best known stories from around the world carefully adapted for children to read themselves.The series is beautifully written and illustrated to capture children's imaginations
The Oxford Reading Tree Traditional Tales series is a collection of some of the best known stories from around the world carefully adapted for childre...
The Oxford Reading Tree Traditional Tales series is a collection of some of the best known stories from around the world carefully adapted for children to read themselves.The series is beautifully written and illustrated to capture children's imaginations
The Oxford Reading Tree Traditional Tales series is a collection of some of the best known stories from around the world carefully adapted for childre...
Geschichten aus aller Welt sind 20 Hefte mit Sagen, Märchen und Erzählungen aus Europa, Afrika, Amerika und Asien. Jedes Heft ist aufwändig und individuell illustriert. Immer 5 Hefte sind in Anspruch und Wortanzahl auf einem Niveau. Die Hefte sind durchgängig vierfarbig und haben das Format 21 x 21 cm.§Am Ende jedes Heftes gibt es eine Seite zum Nacherzählen: Dabei sind die wichtigsten Szenen der Geschichte zu einem Handlungsverlauf angeordnet. Zusätzlich gibt es zu allen Geschichten individuelle Fragen zum Text, die das Sprechen über die Geschichte anregen und bereichern.
Geschichten aus aller Welt sind 20 Hefte mit Sagen, Märchen und Erzählungen aus Europa, Afrika, Amerika und Asien. Jedes Heft ist aufwändig und ind...
How do we measure time, and where does it come from? How do clocks work - and what happened before they were invented? Find out the fascinating answers inside.
How do we measure time, and where does it come from? How do clocks work - and what happened before they were invented? Find out the fascinating answer...