Analyzing the failure rate of a product by using BATHTUB-CURVE. This Bathtub-curve sets an expectation for how a product typically performs over its life cycle. It also represents the failure rate of a product over the time.Failure is the main parameter in automotive industry, every automobile undergoes the minimum failure during production. The optimization of failure rate in manufacturing process byusing different techniques but it was not properly exposed at the delivery stage. After the inspection conducted by the respective company again the failures are occurring after the delivery....
Analyzing the failure rate of a product by using BATHTUB-CURVE. This Bathtub-curve sets an expectation for how a product typically performs over its l...
Analyse der Ausfallrate eines Produkts mit Hilfe der BATHTUB-CURVE. Diese Bathtub-Kurve gibt eine Erwartung für die typische Leistung eines Produkts während seines Lebenszyklus vor . Sie stellt auch die Ausfallrate eines Produkts im Laufe der Zeit dar.Die Ausfallrate ist der wichtigste Parameter in der Automobilindustrie, denn jedes Auto unterliegtwährend der Produktion ein Minimum an Ausfällen. DieOptimierung der Fehlerquote im Herstellungsprozess erfolgt mit verschiedenen Techniken, die jedoch in der Auslieferungsphase nicht richtig berücksichtigt wurden. Nach der von der jeweiligen...
Analyse der Ausfallrate eines Produkts mit Hilfe der BATHTUB-CURVE. Diese Bathtub-Kurve gibt eine Erwartung für die typische Leistung eines Produkts ...
In this study analyzing the failure rate of a product by using BATHTUB-CURVE. This Bathtub- curve sets an expectation for how a product typically performs over its life cycle. It also represents the failure rate of a product over the time.The early failures of the product have been identified and this can be overcome by conducting accurate inspections and by increasing the inspection levels. Proper maintenance should be done at the right time to reduce and overcome from the failures. Suitable methodology has been framed to overcome the problems that are raised by the customers and possible...
In this study analyzing the failure rate of a product by using BATHTUB-CURVE. This Bathtub- curve sets an expectation for how a product typically perf...