Cette étude, intitulée "Perception par le public de l'influence de Radio Benue sur le comportement électoral", visait à étudier la perception par le public de l'influence de Radio Benue sur le comportement électoral : A Study of 2023 General Election" (Perception par le public de l'influence de Radio Benue sur le comportement électoral : une étude sur les élections générales de 2023) a cherché à étudier la perception par le public de l'influence de Radio Benue sur le comportement électoral. La théorie de l'établissement de l'ordre du jour a été exploitée pour soutenir la...
Cette étude, intitulée "Perception par le public de l'influence de Radio Benue sur le comportement électoral", visait à étudier la perception par...
Die Studie "Audience Perception of the Influence of Radio Benue on Voting Behaviour: A Study of 2023 General Election" (Eine Studie über die Parlamentswahlen 2023) sollte die Wahrnehmung des Einflusses von Radio Benue auf das Wahlverhalten durch das Publikum untersuchen. Die Agenda Setting-Theorie wurde zur Unterstützung der Untersuchung herangezogen. Bei der Untersuchung wurde eine Umfrage durchgeführt, um Daten von den Befragten zu sammeln. Wichtigste Ergebnisse Es wurde festgestellt, dass die politischen Sendungen auf Radio Benue die Menschen über ihre Rechte als Wähler aufklären,...
Die Studie "Audience Perception of the Influence of Radio Benue on Voting Behaviour: A Study of 2023 General Election" (Eine Studie über die Parlamen...
IORLAHA, Paul Tersue, Iorlaha, Donald Torngu, Kutim, Doom Grace
In dieser Studie wurde versucht, die Auswirkungen des Fernsehprogramms auf das Lernverhalten von Schülern der Sekundarstufe in der Metropole Makurdi zu untersuchen. Die Theorie des beobachtenden Lernens wurde zur Unterstützung der Untersuchung herangezogen. Bei der Untersuchung wurde eine Umfrage durchgeführt, um Daten von den Befragten zu sammeln. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Sekundarschüler in der Metropole Makurdi mehr Filme als andere Fernsehprogramme sehen. Die Studie ergab auch, dass der Fernsehkonsum einen negativen Einfluss auf die schulischen Leistungen der...
In dieser Studie wurde versucht, die Auswirkungen des Fernsehprogramms auf das Lernverhalten von Schülern der Sekundarstufe in der Metropole Makurdi ...
IORLAHA, Paul Tersue, Iorlaha, Donald Torngu, Kutim, Doom Grace
This study sought to investigate the impact of television program on secondary school children learning behavior in Makurdi Metropolis. The Observational Learning theory was harnessed to support the research. The research used survey method to collect data from respondents. Major findings revealed that, secondary school children in Makurdi metropolis watch movies more than any other television programs Also, the study also found that television viewing has a negative influence on the academic performance of the secondary school children. Findings further disclosed that television viewing by...
This study sought to investigate the impact of television program on secondary school children learning behavior in Makurdi Metropolis. The Observatio...
IORLAHA, Paul Tersue, Iorlaha, Donald Torngu, Kutim, Doom Grace
This research work was designed to ascertain readers perception of the use cartoons and its influence on readership of newspaper in Benue State Nigeria. The work adopted the survey research method in data gathering and used tables simple percentages in presentation and analysis of data gathered. The researcher discovered based on concrete findings that cartoons though don't motivate readers to buy newspapers, they have a positive influence on newspaper readership. It was also discovered that newspaper cartoons are not just humorous but informative, educative and it also serve as a tool for...
This research work was designed to ascertain readers perception of the use cartoons and its influence on readership of newspaper in Benue State Nigeri...
IORLAHA, Paul Tersue, Kutim, Doom Grace, Iorlaha, Donald Torngu
This book is designed to evaluate challenges on journalistic practices in government owned media organizations. The work adopted the survey research method in data gathering and used tables, simple percentages in presentation and analysis of data gathered. Based on the findings the researcher discovered that misappropriation of fund, shortage of staff, lack of modern equipments, management not given free hand inadequate funding employment of non-professionals are the problems of government owned media. It was also found that government officials and agencies interfere with the operations of...
This book is designed to evaluate challenges on journalistic practices in government owned media organizations. The work adopted the survey research m...
IORLAHA, Paul Tersue, Tarlumun, Iorlumun, Kutim, Doom Grace
This study "Evaluation of the influence of broadcast media functions for rural development in Nigeria" is set out to examine the place of radio in rural development in Benue State. The rationale behind the study is to find out the prospects and challenges of using radio as a tool for rural development in Nigeria. Communication generally, has a very crucial role to play in bringing about positive attitudinal change. The first requirement for the development of an information society that enables the effective use of the radio is wide spread access to the radio set and radio programmes. It was...
This study "Evaluation of the influence of broadcast media functions for rural development in Nigeria" is set out to examine the place of radio in rur...