"The Locust Hawks" is book two of the "Base 211" trilogy that follows the continuing adventures of two allied commandos who are survivors of an attack on a secret Nazi base in Antarctica. Their journey begins with a crash landing in the mountains of Patagonia from where they travel through South America up to New York, eliminating enemy targets along the way. It is a manhunt in which they are on the run from British, American and Nazi forces who all wish to silence them, as they try to escape and reach the apparent sanctuary at the end of the line.This subject has been thoroughly researched...
"The Locust Hawks" is book two of the "Base 211" trilogy that follows the continuing adventures of two allied commandos who are survivors of an attack...
The Hotel is a mystery thriller in which a lone detective is sent to a remote snowbound hotel to search for a reported missing person. He arrives by helicopter on the roof and proceeds to descend down each of the nine floors in turn, interviewing the various characters residing in each apartment, and discovering a hidden world of intrigue.During his investigation he uncovers a web of deceit and conspiracy, discovering other missing persons and murders along the way, which culminates in a dramatic final climax. The story is a modern interpretation of Dante's Inferno, with each floor that he...
The Hotel is a mystery thriller in which a lone detective is sent to a remote snowbound hotel to search for a reported missing person. He arrives by h...