Snow White's Seven Patches: A Vitiligo Fairy Tale is a modern-day story with the classical theme of good conquering evil. You'll find the age-old ingredients of a magic mirror, poisonous apple, dwarfs, and romance here. However, this adaptation includes a vain mother who's so clouded by beauty myths that she keeps her own daughter a secret, while plagiarizing the workings of her mind. Everything falls apart when the good mirror finally speaks the truth.
Young readers with vitiligo will look at their own skin patches with a unique lens, finding interesting shapes and stories...
Snow White's Seven Patches: A Vitiligo Fairy Tale is a modern-day story with the classical theme of good conquering evil. You'll find the age-o...
Snow White's Seven Patches: A Vitiligo Fairy Tale is a modern-day story with the classical theme of good conquering evil. You'll find the age-old ingredients of a magic mirror, poisonous apple, dwarfs, and romance here. However, this adaptation includes a vain mother who's so clouded by beauty myths that she keeps her own daughter a secret, while plagiarizing the workings of her mind. Everything falls apart when the good mirror finally speaks the truth.
Young readers with vitiligo will look at their own skin patches with a unique lens, finding interesting shapes and stories...
Snow White's Seven Patches: A Vitiligo Fairy Tale is a modern-day story with the classical theme of good conquering evil. You'll find the age-o...