Prabhat Ranjan Patel, Jai Singh (Northern Territory University Casuarina Australia)
Now a days, yoghurt is gaining more popularity in developed countries. It is a fermented milk product obtained by lactic acid fermentation bacteria Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbruechii subsp. bulgaricus. For the study, the entire experiments were carried out in two phases. In phase - I, milk was standardized and prepared of yoghurt. In phase - II, to study the impact of feeding vegetarian yoghurt in rats were feeding and slaughtering for studies of internal organs and for bio-chemical analysis. The overall physico-chemical quality of vegetable yoghurts...
Now a days, yoghurt is gaining more popularity in developed countries. It is a fermented milk product obtained by lactic acid fermentation bacteria St...