Hot water (74 C), Lactic acid solution (2%) and Chlorine solution (50 p.p.m.) were applied on the hind leg quarters of the buffalo carcasses in two different methods, viz., spraying and dipping for surface decontamination. Initially, the best decontamination was performed by lactic acid dip method. At 24 hours, hot water dip method was considered as effective followed by again lactic acid dip at 48 hours and 72 hours respectively. Lactic acid dip method reduced total plate count by 1.71 log c.f.u./cm2 from the initial microbial load at 0 hour, whereas the hot water dip method and Chlorine dip...
Hot water (74 C), Lactic acid solution (2%) and Chlorine solution (50 p.p.m.) were applied on the hind leg quarters of the buffalo carcasses in two di...