Individual organisms are de?ned by their genetic code. During development andasaresponsetoexternalstimulithegeneticinformationistranslated into awell-de?nedanswerresultingintheexpressionandmodi?cationofproteins. The processes that control protein protein interactions (PPI) are presently mostly described in terms of individual protein protein interactions. In vivo suchinteractions are partof complex molecular interaction networksthat are highlydynamicintimeandspace.Onthebasisofquantitative experiments, it would be possible to understand such complex biological systems leading to...
Individual organisms are de?ned by their genetic code. During development andasaresponsetoexternalstimulithegeneticinformationistranslated into awell-...
Individual organisms are de?ned by their genetic code. During development andasaresponsetoexternalstimulithegeneticinformationistranslated into awell-de?nedanswerresultingintheexpressionandmodi?cationofproteins. The processes that control protein protein interactions (PPI) are presently mostly described in terms of individual protein protein interactions. In vivo suchinteractions are partof complex molecular interaction networksthat are highlydynamicintimeandspace.Onthebasisofquantitative experiments, it would be possible to understand such complex biological systems leading to...
Individual organisms are de?ned by their genetic code. During development andasaresponsetoexternalstimulithegeneticinformationistranslated into awell-...