Autonomousagentsandmulti-agentsystemsarecomputationalsystemsinwhich several (semi-)autonomous agents interact with each other or work together to performsomesetoftasksorsatisfysomesetofgoals.Thesesystemsmayinvolve computational agents that are homogeneous or heterogeneous, they may involve activities on the part of agents having common or distinct goals, and they may involve participation on the part of humans and intelligent agents. ThisvolumecontainsselectedpapersfromPRIMA2004, the 7thPaci?cRim InternationalWorkshoponMulti-agents, heldinAuckland, NewZealand, during August8 13,2004in...
Autonomousagentsandmulti-agentsystemsarecomputationalsystemsinwhich several (semi-)autonomous agents interact with each other or work together to perf...