W. Bannwarth, D.E. Bergbreiter, B. Desai, N. End, R. Haag, J. Horn, G. Jas, C.O. Kappe, A. Kirschning, Andreas Kirschnin
Over the last decade the environmental setup has changed for synthetic organ- ic chemists to a considerable degree. So far synthetic organic chemistry had focussed on methodology development which mainly deals with the develop- ment of new reactions as well as new reagents and catalysts. These ought to be able to perform preferentially highly selective (chemo-, regio-and stereose- lective) synthetic transformations, often applied in the context of complex and highly functionalized molecules. Except for the synthesis of peptides and oligonucleic acids, little attention has been spent on the...
Over the last decade the environmental setup has changed for synthetic organ- ic chemists to a considerable degree. So far synthetic organic chemistry...