Mohamed Chetouani, Amir Hussain, Bruno Gas, Maurice Milgram, Jean-Luc Zarader
We present in this volume a collection of revised selected papers from the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Nonlinear Speech Processing (NO- LISP 2007)held in Paris, France, 22-25May,2007.NOLISP 2007was organized by the University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC) with the generous support of ISCA (International Speech Communication Association), EURASIP and the IEEE. NOLISP 2007 was the ?rst follow-on workshop to a series of three e- lier events related to nonlinear speech processing, that were organized within the framework of the European COST action 277 Nonlinear speech processing...
We present in this volume a collection of revised selected papers from the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Nonlinear Speech Processing (NO- LIS...