This volume focuses on the rise of educational regulation and educational governance in a post-2015 era. Across the globe, unfettered globalization is being curtailed and cooperation and collaboration at the regional level appears to be at an unprecedented high, yet there are still substantial disparities across national levels in education, social, political, and economic sectors. This volume investigates the nexus between national policy mandates, regional aspirations and international benchmarks and commitments. In doing so, it uses a critical educational policy studies approach to examine...
This volume focuses on the rise of educational regulation and educational governance in a post-2015 era. Across the globe, unfettered globalization is...
Tavis D. Jules (Loyola University Chicago, USA), Florin D. Salajan (North Dakota State University, USA)
Access to big data, the “new commodity” for the 21st century economies, and its uses and potential abuses, has both conceptual and methodological impacts for the field of comparative and international education. This book examines, from a comparative perspective, the impact of the movement from the so-called knowledge-based economy towards the Intelligent Economy, which is premised upon the application of knowledge. Knowledge, the central component of the knowledge-based economy, is becoming less important in an era that is projected to be dominated and defined by the integration of...
Access to big data, the “new commodity” for the 21st century economies, and its uses and potential abuses, has both conceptual and methodological ...