Information extraction (IE) is a new technology enabling relevant content to be extracted from textual information available electronically. IE essentially builds on natural language processing and computational linguistics, but it is also closely related to the well established area of information retrieval and involves learning. In concert with other promising and emerging information engineering technologies like data mining, intelligent data analysis, and text summarization, IE will play a crucial role for scientists and professionals as well as other end-users who have to deal with vast...
Information extraction (IE) is a new technology enabling relevant content to be extracted from textual information available electronically. IE essent...
Information extraction (IE) is a new technology enabling relevant content to be extracted from textual information available electronically. IE essentially builds on natural language processing and computational linguistics, but it is also closely related to the well established area of information retrieval and involves learning. In concert with other promising intelligent information processing technologies like data mining, intelligent data analysis, text summarization, and information agents, IE plays a crucial role in dealing with the vast amounts of information accessible...
Information extraction (IE) is a new technology enabling relevant content to be extracted from textual information available electronically. IE essent...