The13thInternationalConferenceonInductive LogicProgramming(ILP 2003), organizedbytheDepartmentofInformaticsattheUniversityofSzeged, washeld between September 29 and October 1, 2003 in Szeged, Hungary. ILP 2003 was co-located with the Kalm ar Workshop on Logic and Computer Science devoted to the workofL aszloKalm arandto recentresultsinlogicandcomputerscience. This volume contains all full papers presented at ILP 2003, together with the abstracts of the invited lectures by Ross D. King (University of Wales, Aber- twyth) and John W. Lloyd (Australian National University, Canberra). TheILP...
The13thInternationalConferenceonInductive LogicProgramming(ILP 2003), organizedbytheDepartmentofInformaticsattheUniversityofSzeged, washeld between Se...