Shoko Yamada (Nagoya University, Japan), Alexander W. Wiseman (Lehigh University, USA)
As the target year of achieving Education for All development goals approached in 2015, there were discussions about the post-EFA agenda, a process parallel to setting the post-Millennium Development Goals. This transition should not be understood simply as a normative framework. It has coincided with changes in structure, actors, modes of interactions, and practices. The emergence of new types of donors who used to be recipients of aid is changing the landscape of international educational development. Transnational networks of civil society actors gained power to set the discourse at...
As the target year of achieving Education for All development goals approached in 2015, there were discussions about the post-EFA agenda, a process pa...
Alexander W. Wiseman (Lehigh University, USA), Emily Anderson (Pennsylvania State University, USA), Alexander W. Wiseman
The goal of the ARCIE volume is to examine current perspectives and future directions for the field using several essays as a context for discussion and analysis. The format of ARCIE pieces entails an analytic overview of published work in the field, noting key issues and future directions. It provides an important and well-cited international forum for the discussion of matters of comparative and international education theory, policy and practice.
The goal of the ARCIE volume is to examine current perspectives and future directions for the field using several essays as a context for discussion a...
Alexander W. Wiseman (Lehigh University, USA), Calley Stevens Taylor (Lehigh University, USA)
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been an active international influence in the assessment, development, and reform of national educational systems worldwide. The introduction of the OECD's flagship international educational assessment, confirmed by, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). But, there are many questions still unanswered about the OECD and its global impact on education. First, there is no definitive history of the OECD's educational agendas, development, or initiatives. Second, there is no comprehensive investigation into...
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been an active international influence in the assessment, development, and refor...
The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education (ARCIE) is a forum for stakeholders and scholars to examine current trends and identify future directions in comparative and international education. The goal of the ARCIE volume is to examine current perspectives and future directions for the field using several essays as a context for discussion and analysis. Contributed chapters begin by addressing the questions and themes discussed in these essays which include: the use of new conceptual or methodological frameworks; the connection between research and practice; the emergence of...
The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education (ARCIE) is a forum for stakeholders and scholars to examine current trends and identify f...
This volume surveys the field of comparative and international education (CIE) from several globally-representative perspectives, providing expert analyses on a range of recent trends and important concerns in the CIE community worldwide.
This volume surveys the field of comparative and international education (CIE) from several globally-representative perspectives, providing expert ana...
Alexander W. Wiseman (Lehigh University, USA), Petrina M. Davidson (Lehigh University, USA)
In this volume scholars and policymakers examine how large-scale assessments and quantitative data are used to inform policy-making at all levels of education worldwide, and how data can be used to better understand specific national and regional educational challenges.
In this volume scholars and policymakers examine how large-scale assessments and quantitative data are used to inform policy-making at all levels of e...