Yves Achdou, Guy Barles, Hitoshi Ishii, Grigory L. Litvinov, Paola Loreti, Nicoletta Tchou
These Lecture Notes contain the material relative to the courses given at the CIME summer school held in Cetraro, Italy from August 29 to September 3, 2011. The topic was Hamilton-Jacobi Equations: Approximations, Numerical Analysis and Applications. The courses dealt mostly with the following subjects: first order and second order Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, properties of viscosity solutions, asymptotic behaviors, mean field games, approximation and numerical methods, idempotent analysis. The content of the courses ranged from an introduction to viscosity solutions to quite advanced...
These Lecture Notes contain the material relative to the courses given at the CIME summer school held in Cetraro, Italy from August 29 to September 3,...
This monograph presents the most recent developments in the study of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations and control problems with discontinuities, mainly from the viewpoint of partial differential equations. Two main cases are investigated in detail: the case of codimension 1 discontinuities and the stratified case in which the discontinuities can be of any codimensions. In both, connections with deterministic control problems are carefully studied, and numerous examples and applications are illustrated throughout the text.
After an initial section that provides a...
This monograph presents the most recent developments in the study of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations and control problems with discontinuities, mainly ...