Takahiro Sato, Toshiyuki Takahashi, Koji Yoshimura
An accelerator complex which gives extremely high-intensity proton beams is being constructed in Tokai, Japan. The project is operated by JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) and KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Or- nization) and called J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex). J-PARC accelerator complex consists of 200MeV linac, 3GeV rapid cycling synchrotron, and 30GeV main synchrotron. The energy of linac will be - tendedto400MeVandtheenergyofthemainringwillbeincreasedto50GeV in the near future. J-PARCaimstoperformvariousresearchesoflifeandmaterialsciencesby using neutron beams...
An accelerator complex which gives extremely high-intensity proton beams is being constructed in Tokai, Japan. The project is operated by JAEA (Japan ...