The International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental L- guages(ICCPOL)seriesishostedbytheChineseandOrientalLanguagesSociety (COLCS), aninternationalsocietyfoundedin1975.RecentICCPOLeventshave been held in Hong Kong (1997), Tokushima, Japan (1999), Seoul, Korea (2001), Shenyang, China (2003) and Singapore (2006). This volume presents the proceedings of the 22nd International Conference ontheComputerProcessingofOrientalLanguages(ICCPOL2009)heldinHong Kong, March 26-27, 2009. We received 63 submissions and all the papers went through a blind review process by members of the...
The International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental L- guages(ICCPOL)seriesishostedbytheChineseandOrientalLanguagesSociety (COLCS), an...