A spin-off series from the hit manga Gangsta that tells the backstory of Marco Adriano. The man named Marco Adriano is a loyal and beloved member of the Cristiano Family, helping them protect the persecuted Twilight population in the city of Ergastulum. But he was once a boy codenamed "Spas," raised as a Hunter and assigned to the Destroyers Second Group for a single purpose: to track down and kill Twilights. Killing is all Spas has ever known, and he does it without doubt or remorse. Taught to believe he's ridding the world of monsters, he sees the extermination of the Twilights...
A spin-off series from the hit manga Gangsta that tells the backstory of Marco Adriano. The man named Marco Adriano is a loyal and beloved mem...
A spin-off series from the hit manga Gangsta that tells the backstory of Marco Adriano. The man named "Marco Adriano" is a loyal and beloved member of the Cristiano Family, helping them protect the persecuted Twilight population in the city of Ergastulum. But he was once a boy codenamed "Spas," raised as a Hunter and assigned to the Destroyers Second Group for a single purpose: to track down and kill Twilights. Ever since he was a young child, Spas has been indoctrinated to believe that eliminating all Twilights is the only way to guarantee the safety of the Normal population....
A spin-off series from the hit manga Gangsta that tells the backstory of Marco Adriano. The man named "Marco Adriano" is a loyal and belove...
A spin-off series from the hit manga Gangsta that tells the backstory of Marco Adriano. The man named Marco Adriano is a loyal and beloved member of the Cristiano Family, helping them protect the persecuted Twilight population in the city of Ergastulum. But he was once a boy code-named "Spas," raised as a Hunter and assigned to the Destroyers Second Group for a single purpose: to track down and kill Twilights. After making the fateful decision to defy his fellow Hunters and save a young girl's life, Spas finds himself caught between the worlds of the Normals and the Twilights....
A spin-off series from the hit manga Gangsta that tells the backstory of Marco Adriano. The man named Marco Adriano is a loyal and beloved member ...