These proceedings contain a selection of refereed papers presented at or related to the 3rd Annual Workshop of the Types Working Group (Computer-Assisted Reasoning Based on Type Theory, EU IST project 29001), which was held d- ing April 30 to May 4, 2003, in Villa Gualino, Turin, Italy. The workshop was attended by about 100 researchers. Out of 37 submitted papers, 25 were selected after a refereeing process. The ?nal choices were made by the editors. Two previous workshops of the Types Working Group under EU IST project 29001 were held in 2000 in Durham, UK, and in 2002 in Berg en Dal (close...
These proceedings contain a selection of refereed papers presented at or related to the 3rd Annual Workshop of the Types Working Group (Computer-Assis...
Constitutes the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, 2005. The papers in this book address the issues in theoretical computer science and discusses topics as analysis and design of algorithms, computability, computational complexity, cryptography, formal languages and automata, and algebraic computation.
Constitutes the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, 2005. The papers in this book address the issues in t...