Michael R. Berthold, Robert Glen, Kay Diederichs, Oliver Kohlbacher, Ingrid B. Fischer
The integration of knowledge in the life sciences is continuing apace with ev- increasingimportancebeing placedoncomputer-basedmethodsofdata capture, analysis, and knowledge representation. Today, our many di?erent sciences are providing us with a sea of information: it is the handling of this in?ux that is becoming a key discovery and regulatory question. The solutions to these problems will result in advancements to all of the involved sciences and will be highly in?uential both in the selection of the areas scientists seek to investigate and also on their success. For this to happen, it is...
The integration of knowledge in the life sciences is continuing apace with ev- increasingimportancebeing placedoncomputer-basedmethodsofdata capture, ...
Michael R. Berthold, Robert Glen, Ingrid B. Fischer
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Computational Life Sciences, CompLife 2006. The 25 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 56 initial submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on genomics, data mining, molecular simulation, molecular informatics, systems biology, biological networks/metabolism, and computational neuroscience.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Computational Life Sciences, CompLife 2006. The 25 revised ...
Michael R. Berthold, John Shawe-Taylor, Nada Lavrač
Weareproudtopresenttheproceedingsoftheseventhbiennialconferenceinthe Intelligent Data Analysis series. The conference took place in Ljubljana, Slo- nia, September 6-8, 2007. IDA continues to expand its scope, quality and size. It started as a small side-symposium as part of a larger conference in 1995 in Baden-Baden(Germany).It quickly attractedmoreinterest in both submissions and attendance as it moved to London (1997) and then Amsterdam (1999). The next three meetings were held in Lisbon (2001), Berlin (2003) and then Madrid in 2005. The improving quality of the submissions has enabled the...
Weareproudtopresenttheproceedingsoftheseventhbiennialconferenceinthe Intelligent Data Analysis series. The conference took place in Ljubljana, Slo- ni...
The focus of this book, and the BISON project from which the contributions originate, is a network based integration of data repositories of a variety of types, and the development of new ways to analyse and explore the resulting gigantic information networks.
The focus of this book, and the BISON project from which the contributions originate, is a network based integration of data repositories of a variety...